gutta serena - définition. Qu'est-ce que gutta serena
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est gutta serena - définition

Gutta serena; Darkening (ophthalmology); Gutta Serena

gutta serena         
[L.] (Med.) Amaurosis, drop serene.
Serena Cowdy         
Serena Mary Cowdy
Serena Mary Cowdy (born 1980) is an English politician and writer. She lives in Scotland and represents the Scottish National Party (SNP) on Angus Council.
·noun A loss or decay of sight, from loss of power in the optic nerve, without any perceptible external change in the eye;
- called also gutta serena, the "drop serene" of Milton.



Amaurosis (Greek meaning darkening, dark, or obscure) is vision loss or weakness that occurs without an apparent lesion affecting the eye. It may result from either a medical condition or excess acceleration, as in flight. The term is the same as the Latin gutta serena, which means, in Latin, drop clear (or drop bright). Gutta serena is a condition of partial or complete blindness with a transparent, clear pupil. This term contrasts with suffusio nigra which means, in Latin, suffusion dark, indicating partial or complete blindness with a dark pupil, e.g., a cataract. Milton, already totally blind for twelve years (some scholars think from retinal detachment; others have diagnosed glaucoma) by the time he published Paradise Lost, refers to these terms in Book 3, lines 25–26.